Calendar Sunday, February 16, 2025
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When I heard that oxygen and magnesium hooked up I was like OMg.
e-Learning in Early Education PDF Print E-mail
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e-Learning in Early Education

When Moodle was first introduced into New Zealand in 2004, it was the Teriary Institutions that lead the way in it's adoption. And in that regard it was the Polytechnics and Technical Institutes that were first to tkae it seriously.

Since that time it has become popiular with Secondary Schools, and now the Universities. Massey University and Canterbury University in Christchurch (NZ) have now adopted Moodle as their main LMS.

It is gratifying to now see that Moodle is moving down into the Primary school sector, with some early adopters gaining recognition in their efforts.

I have been lucky enough to be a part of the endeavours of The Alpha eLearning Facility run by Frances Hill. Frances is based in Fairlie and works by day at the local primary school. However at 7am each morning she is busy at work with her Home Schooled protoges around New Zealand.

While her efforts have yet to be heralded in New Zealand, she has received acclaim for her work in the USA and Mexico. Sounds like the typical NZ story to me!

So watch this space.